October Nights
Standing under the moon
Silver light through trees
Silhouette a tiny body
Shivering in the night
Bars clank shut
The cage is big enough for two
Only one sits inside
With the rats
Where is mommy?
Why am I here?
What did I do wrong?
Little Jody 10/7/02
If God Exists, Why Do I?
I should have died
With the others
Their pleas couldn’t
be heard
I was silent
And I lived
If God exists,
why do I?
There is no justice
Nothing makes sense.
Joly 10/7/02
Touch me, I’m real
Look at me, I see you
Don’t move, I’ll get you
Freeze, be still now
They see you through me
You can’t get away
I’ll always be here –
In the shadows
In the light
Touch me, I’m real
Scarecrow 10/7/02
I can’t watch anymore
There’s nothing in the moon
It sits there motionless
Like me
I wander in my mind
To places no one sees
They can’t go there
It’s a secret
You move your hands
Over my body
I’m motionless in the night
It’s a secret
DeJo’Lee 9/1/02
sit down and shut
ain’t nobody
goin nowhere
you move and you’re
deader ‘n
a door knob
cold to the touch
you listen and
you listen good
you ain’t
no better ‘n me
hear me
no better
now move over
make way you coward
you fuck with me
and you’re
Defiant Bitch 9/1/02
Breathe In
Sunset over mountain ridges
Purple, pink, gold, blue
Marshmallow clouds
Summer breeze
Breathe in
This is the breath of life
Dance on tiptoes between dewdrops
Angels delight with fairy swirls
Cotton candy sticky sweet
Piccadilly band trumpets afire
This is the breath of life
Tiny mud dishes set for two
After the rain
Listen to the quiet of the mist
Sunset over the pines
Breathe in
This is the breath of life
Dandelions sway yellow
Then float away
To heaven’s door
Sit quietly at the gate
Breathe in
is the breath of life
Girl (3) and Nature Girl (25)
Full moon unveils
this hazy night
Black and silver trees move in close
Lurking near with outreached hands
Whispering their curses and
Threats of death
As the nocturnal wind pushes through
Their heavy branches
Closer still
and soon they will have me
Trembling, fearful, I stand my ground –
Clutching my naked body
Revealing my smallness – my aloneness
I am vulnerable in Satan’s light
This awful full moon night
Silent shadows
slow at first
The dancers twirl – on toes, on knees
Faster, faster, up and down
Side to side
Mumbling chants of glory hallelujah
Then shouts of praise to Satan
Red and Black,
Red and Black
The fire burns sparks into the air
Snap, snap, snap – the coals chuckle
Waiting for their next sacrifice
It must be me – I must be next
Dancers cold
and clammy hands
Grab at my body, shoving me closer
To the fire
Stumbling, crawling, rolling
I can’t take anymore
I float away from the madness
Into a peaceful world of softness
Of beautiful smells where flowers abound
My heart is at rest once more
They cannot reach me here
Big deJoly & Chosen One 12/9/92