I have included this page of definitions because I believe that knowledge is power,
and that we need to see that we have the power to heal from the abuse of our past. More definitions will be added regularly.
Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) or Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is
commonly caused by severe repeated trauma inflicted on a child usually before the age of five. It is particularly sadistic
and usually sexual in nature. When these traumas occur, the human mind has the ability to split off and encapsulate
painful experiences, often forming either partial or whole personalities within the individual experiencing the trauma.
PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) may be experienced when acute
stress of a traumatic event causes chemical reactions in the brain as well as physical symptoms. For example having
trouble falling asleep after experiencing something like a flood or tornado; breaking into a sweat and trembling uncontrollably
when an ambulance goes by two years after you experienced a car accident. Studies show that women get PTSD more often
than men because they are more likely to be raped, sexually molested, physically abused during childhood and/or neglected
by parents during childhood. PTSD is a physical condition caused by a traumatic event. Symptoms may be re-experiencing,
avoidance/numbing, and/or hyperarousal, usually lasting longer than a month.
Pedophile (from the Latin word pedophilia)
is a word to describe sexual abusers of children. They share certain traits, often having a history of themselves being
abused as children. Pedophiles exist in all cultures and socio-economic groups, and are not confined to either sex.
They usually have a particular group of children that they may prefer over others. Some may like babies with red
hair and others may like pre-pubescent boys with blonde hair and blue eyes. They usually do not molest children once
they pass out of the stage they particularly prefer, and will find another child in that stage, leaving the previously
molested child alone.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a pattern of traits and behaviors
which signify infatuation and obsession with one's self to the exclusion of all others, and the egotistic and ruthless pursuit
of one's own gratification, dominance and ambition. Other related disorders are Borderline, Antisocial and Histrionic
("Cluster B"). It is commonly attributed to childhood abuse and trauma inflicted by parents, authority figures or even
peers. 75% of all narcissists are male.
Dissociation is very similar to the moments when we daydream, being in
an altered state where the body is not quite connected to what is going on in the mind. Longer periods of dissociation
are called a dissociative disorder and are marked by one or more episodes of inability to recall important personal information,
usually of a traumatic or stressful nature, that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness, and is not due
to the effects of a substance or neurological and/or other medical condition.
Amnesia is marked by gaps in memory
for long periods of the person's past, in some cases, their entire childhood. Most people who have MPD/DID, will
state that they "lose time" or can't remember what happened during periods when alter personalities are in control or
Depersonalization is a dissociative sympton in which a person feels that
his or her body is unreal, is changing, or is dissolving -- sometimes discribed as watching oneself from outside the body
or like watching a movie of themselves.
Sex Ring Crime is a term describing sexual victimization in which there
are one or more adult offenders and several children who are aware of each other's participation. There are three different
types of child sex rings. The SOLO sex ring involves one adult perpetrator and multiple children. There is no
exchange of photographs, nor are there sexual activities with other adults. By contrast, a SYNDICATED ring involves
multiple adults, multiple child victims, and a wide range of exchange items including child pornography and sexual activities.
At a level between these two types of rings is the TRANSITION ring, in which the children and pornography are exchanged
between adults, and often money changes hands.
Ritualized Abuse is repeated, systematic,
sadistic, and humiliating trauma to the physical, sexual, spiritual, and/or emotional health of a person which may utilize
techniques including, but not limited to, conditioning, mind control, and torture. This abuse rarely consists of a single
episode and is perpetrated on children, adolescents, and adults regardless of gender. It includes, but is not limited
to, cults and other highly organized groups who inflict abuse as either the sole purpose of their gatherings or as part of
a larger ritual. Ritualized abuse can be perpetrated by anyone in a real or perceived role of power. The perpetrator(s)
may have not connection to a cult at all. The common denominator in all forms of ritualized abuse is that the victim
knows beforehand that she/he will be harmed, often knows when, where, and in what specific what she/he will be harmed, and
is powerless to prevent, delay, or stop the abuse. (see http://www.ra-info.org/)
Satanic Ritual Abuse is ritualized use of religious icons within a cult
of two or more members, to maintain interest and control of its members. Typically, the Christian/Judeo religious ceremonies
such as communion, mass, sacrifice and so on, present themselves in cults as drinking and eating flesh and blood, black mass
and killing of animals and/or humans for the purpose of gaining power. These rituals can be used to terrorize members
and potential members. They may also be used as screens to cover other activities the cult may be engaged in, such
as prostitution, pornography, drugs and murder.
Screen Memories are memories that are layered upon each other by cult
leaders, cult members, government operatives and other individuals intent on making victims forget the original traumatic
event or purpose for the torture. Satanic rituals, the use of masks, the use of Disney characters, clowns and other
types of screens have been used to cover up (screen) the memory of torture inflicted for the purpose of creating alter personalities
with particular purposes or characteristics. Screen memories often make it difficult for survivors to believe their
memories because they may seem so outlandish.